Welcome to the Big Bend Amateur Radio Club’s Homepage

Club and Meeting Information
The Big Bend Amateur radio club meets the third Thursday each month at 6:30 pm at the Hancock County ESDA office at 1006 Wabash St., Carthage, IL 62321-1502. Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings, licensed or not.
Weekly VHF NET
BBARC also sponsors a weekly VHF NET on our repeater KC9LMF. Please check in and join the BBARC Net Thursday’s at 8:00 PM. This is open to all licensed amateurs, club members or not. It is a great opportunity to check your VHF Rig’s TX/RX to our new repeater and to just say “HI!” to everyone. It only takes a few minutes.
The KC9LMF repeater is at 147.105 Mhz and access is with a 103.5 toneĀ (+ 0.60000).
If anyone needs help to set up/program their VHF Rig, just let us know by email and we will try to help or point you to someone who can.
Each week during the NET, we pose the “Question for the NET” and invite all participants to chime in. This question is usually amateur radio related, but not always. We encourage participants to submit a question or questions for the “Question for the NET”. Please submit to our email using this link: Submit a Question